Client Review

Francisco Palomares

Ha sido la solución a nuestras necesidades de organización. Es nuestra oficina y asistente digital.

(translated from spanish)
The outcome has been the solution to our organizational necessites. It's our virtual office and assistant.


ACSTamarite stands for Asociación de Comercios y Servicios de Tamarite.

Their goal is to help and promote the local businesses and the local commerce by offering a central website where the local businesses can be discovered. All the members can benefit of an internal organizational tool that makes large group management easier.

View the project webiste


The website is split in two big blocks. The public website and the intranet.

The public website

It's purpose is to provide visibility for the member's profiles, announce events, courses and provide tools for interaction with the visitors.

The intranet

Provides managerial and organizational tools for the members and administrators in order to ease their work of organizing events, courses; handling job applications for the businesses that are members, members management among other many features.


The project in entirely built using HTML5 and Kohana 3.3 as PHP framework


Duration: 220 hours

We organized the project from scratch using a Trello board that we shared with our client for visibility and easy the process of giving shape to ideas.

Once a week we would set a side a time to discuss about the progress done, show a demo of the current status and plan the next steps.

Now, let's build your project!

Ricci Facalet photo